My Higher Ed Portal Template

MyHigherEd and Minnesota Office of Higher Education Institution Profile Survey

About This Survey

The Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) collects information from higher education institutions across Minnesota to inform Minnesota students and families of their postsecondary educational options in the state. The information collected via this survey will be published online on the upcoming website, under your institution's profile featured in MyHigherEd's College Search Tool. Additionally, your institution's information will be included in OHE's Choosing a College printed publication on an annual basis.

Participating in the survey is not required, but completing this survey will ensure that your institution's profile is up-to-date and provides the most accurate information to prospective students and their families.

You don't need to complete the survey in one session. The system will save the data submitted, even if the survey has not been completed in its entirety. You may request the help of other colleagues to complete specific sections of your institution's profile. To do so, please add them as a new contact to your institution's Contact List. An invitation will be sent to them with the appropriate access code. In case a complete survey is not submitted, OHE reserves the right to publish the information saved in the system.

Need Help? If you have any questions, please reach out to Fiorella Gallia (